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I am a photographer, journalist and Picture Editor with extensive, varied, and unique skills and experience. It’s a skill-set that I have developed from the last hurrah of film to today helping mould a shape shifting digital landscape. I have contributed words and pictures in the traditional print medium and in the exciting world of fast moving on-line content, shared and social media, mobile and tablet. In developing my media tradecraft and picture editing expertise, I've experienced virtually the whole spectrum of still and moving content production, asset management and ever changing budgetary agendas. In addition I write on technology and pets and the area where those technologies collide that I call petnolgy.


I have judged many prestigious awards, including the Amnesty International Media Awards, the Association of Photographers Awards, The Nikon Press Awards, The ITV Animal Honours, and The Kennel Club Scruffs. On television and radio, I’ve commented on photography on programmes such as, News Night, Front Row, the ITN news, and the BBC documentary “Foot in the Door.” Thanks to my pet column I've been a regular guest on the Barking at the Moon radio show. I’ve delivered lectures for organisations as varied as the parliamentary Labour Party, and the Freedom Forum and worked with John Pilger on the reporting of the World Project at the Barbican. As a photographer I have exhibited “Photographs for no Particular Reason” at The Spitz Gallery London and my work from the Tsunami in Sri Lanka in “After the Wave” at The National Theatre.




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